Tales of the Crypto Collaboration Sign Release

2 min readNov 25, 2021

We are happy to announce we are releasing a Tales of the Crypto collaboration sign! This sign will be 100% freely distributed.

The SNAPSHOT for the airdrop of packs will happen on November 25th at 19:00 UTC.

For more info on the Tales of the Crypto project, see their website: https://talesofthecrypto.co

Neon Rarity


These signs will be released as one-card packs. Each pack has a random chance to pull one of the four Neon Space rarities (dim, lit, glow, neon). There will be a total of 1,725 pre-minted one-card packs, distributed as follows:

20% — 345 airdropped to NeonSpaceNFT holders

25 %— 431 airdropped to Tales of the Crypto holders

15% — 259 for the NFT Battle Miners partner pool

15% — 259 for the Oliveland partner pool

25% — 431 for community engagement

Pack artwork

Community Engagement

The distribution of these packs will happen over the course of time. Packs will be given away through our daily marble races, poker nights, stream raiders, Haxball and other giveaways facilitated through our community.

To stay up-to-date on our giveaways and community events, join our Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/xYknyCXRUm

Lit Rarity

Mint Structure

The total mints by rarity and the percentage chances are detailed below:

  • Dim — 1,200 mints, 69.5652% — no animation/static image
  • Lit — 400 mints, 23.1884% — light & flickering neon animation
  • Glow — 100 mints, 5.7971% — view of Neon City and camera movement animation
  • Neon — 25 mints, 1.4493% — view of Neon City, longer camera movement, original music

We’re excited to share our latest artwork with you!

-Neon Space Team




Neon sign collectible art NFTs on the WAX blockchain. Follow along as Neon City grows in the Metaverse!